Results for 'Xtreme Max Grow'

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  1.  39
    Explaining the apocalypse: the end-Permian mass extinction and the dynamics of explanation in geohistory.Max Dresow - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):10441-10474.
    Explanation is a perennially hot topic in philosophy of science. Yet philosophers have exhibited a curious blind spot to the questions of how explanatory projects develop over time, as well as what processes are involved in generating their developmental trajectories. This paper examines these questions using research into the end-Permian mass extinction as a case study. It takes as its jumping-off point the observation that explanations of historical events tend to grow more complex over time, but it goes beyond (...)
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    Growing up lightly: Rascal‐gurus and American educational thought.Max Lawson - 1988 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 20 (1):37-49.
  3.  30
    Recognition and Work in the Platform Economy: a Normative Reconstruction.Max Visser & Thomas C. Arnold - 2021 - Philosophy of Management 21 (1):31-45.
    The rise of the platform economy in the past two decades (and neoliberal capitalist expansion and crises more in general), have on the whole negatively affected working conditions, leading to growing concerns about the “human side” of organizations. To address these concerns, the purpose of this paper is to apply Axel Honneth’s recognition theory and method of normative reconstruction to working conditions in the platform economy. The paper concludes that the ways in which platform organizations function constitutes a normative paradox, (...)
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    Biased, Spasmodic, and Ridiculously Incomplete: Sequence Stratigraphy and the Emergence of a New Approach to Stratigraphic Complexity in Paleobiology, 1973–1995.Max Dresow - 2023 - Journal of the History of Biology 56 (3):419-454.
    This paper examines the emergence of a new approach to stratigraphic complexity, first in geology and then, following its creative appropriation, in paleobiology. The approach was associated with a set of models that together transformed stratigraphic geology in the decades following 1970. These included the influential models of depositional sequences developed by Peter Vail and others at Exxon. Transposed into paleobiology, they gave researchers new resources for studying the incompleteness of the fossil record and for removing biases imposed by the (...)
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    Contributions toward a theory of storms: Historical knowing and historical progress in Kant and Benjamin.Max Pensky - 2010 - Philosophical Forum 41 (1-2):149-174.
    There is a picture by Klee called Angelus Novus . It shows an angel who seems about to move away from something he stares at. His eyes are wide, his mouth is open, his wings are spread. This is how the angel of history must look. His face is turned toward the past. Where a chain of events appears before us, he sees one single catastrophe, which keeps piling wreckage upon wreckage and hurls it at his feet. The angel would (...)
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    Vampirism: A Secular, Visceral Religion of Paradoxical Aesthetics.Max Chia-Hung Lin & Paul Juinn Bing Tan - 2018 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 17 (49):120-136.
    Vampire stories and folklores have originated from a range of sources; however, it is rather certain that the repulsive but attractive vampiric monster images in present popular culture are primarily derived from Anne Rice’s novel Interview with the Vampire. That being said, it was around the end of the eighteenth century that vampires first invaded the popular literary world, with literary vampires growing noticeably more powerful and perpetual than any of their monstrous predecessors in the years since the publication of (...)
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  7.  12
    What makes a good doctor?: a patient's perspective.Max Griffiths - 2016 - Kenthurst, N.S.W.: Rosenberg.
    Every person in the course of his or her life has some contact with the medical profession. And in recent years that profession has been revolutionised in the fields of research, of technology and of practice. Hardly has one advance been declared than it is superseded by another. At the same time, while community attitudes themselves change, group practices have taken some weight from doctors but perhaps have diminished the doctor/ patient relationship of previous years. Another change in the oversight (...)
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    Public Mobility as the Defining Feature of the French Post-industrial City.Max Rousseau - 2012 - Theory, Culture and Society 29 (6):125-145.
    During the last four decades, the general shift towards flexible accumulation of capital has led to a growing requirement for an increased mobility of labour which greatly affects the restructuring of post-industrial cities today. Using a historical perspective to enlighten the contrast with the period of industrialization when urban planning was, on the contrary, aimed at fixing a large workforce within the city, I argue that the current transformations of urban landscapes one can observe within French cities signal a consequent (...)
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    Welfare after Growth: Theoretical Discussion and Policy Implications.Max Koch - 2013 - International Journal of Social Quality 3 (1):4-20.
    The article discusses approaches to welfare under no-growth conditions and against the background of the growing significance of climate change as a socio-ecological issue. While most governments and scholars favor “green deal” solutions for tackling the climate crisis, a growing number of discussants are casting doubt on economic growth as the answer to it and have provided empirical evidence that the prospects for globally decoupling economic growth and carbon emissions are very low indeed. These doubts are supported by recent contributions (...)
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    The Science of Consciousness: Psychological, Neuropsychological, and Clinical Reviews.Max Velmans (ed.) - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    Of all the problems facing science none are more challenging yet fascinating than those posed by consciousness. In The Science of Consciousness leading researchers examine how consciousness is being investigated in the key areas of cognitive psychology, neuropsychology and clinical psychology. Within cognitive psychology, special focus is given to the function of consciousness, and to the relation of conscious processing to nonconscious processing in perception, learning, memory and information dissemination. Neuropsychology includes examination of the neural conditions for consciousness and the (...)
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  11.  11
    The ultimate political question? Realism and omnicide.Max Bouttell & Annette Freyberg-Inan - forthcoming - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
    Realist political theory purports to prioritize the goals of order, security, and ‘political survival’. In spite of these concerns, it has not yet addressed the growing risk that humanity might be lurching towards self-extinction. This contribution considers what omnicidal risk means for contemporary realism, making two arguments. First, we argue that omnicidal risk poses a political problem in a distinctly realist sense of the term. In doing so, we demonstrate that omnicide is a relevant concern for all realists, while ordorealists (...)
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    On causality. Ingarden's analysis vs. Jaśkowski's logic.Max Urchs - 1994 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 2 (5):55-68.
    Considering the growing need for formal counterparts of causal nexus (AI is desperately looking for a good one!) and thus trying to construct appropriate relations within a formal framework one faces the problem that the notion of “causal connection” is by no means explained with sufficient precision. How to overcome the resulting difficulties?
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    Winnicott's "Fear of Breakdown": On and Beyond Trauma.Max Hernandez - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (4):134-143.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Winnicott’s “Fear of Breakdown” : On and Beyond TraumaMax Hernandez (bio)y no hallé cosa en que posar los ojos / que no fuese recuerdo de la muerte[I could find no thing on which to rest my eyes / which was not a reminder of death]—Francisco de Quevedo, “Sonetos”The ubiquitous occurrence of violent events and the growing realization that the inscription of this violence in the psyches of those exposed (...)
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    Right Reason Accounts of the Norm of Assertion.Max Lewis - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-25.
    A growing number of philosophers are defending what can be understood as Right Reason Accounts of the norm of assertion. According to these accounts, an agent’s asserting that _p_ is epistemically permissible only if that agent asserts that _p_ for a right (normative) reason, i.e., a reason that at least contributes to making it epistemically permissible to assert that _p_. In this paper, I argue that Right Reason Accounts do not allow for the possibility of asserting epistemically permissibly only for (...)
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    Affluence boosted intelligence? How the interaction between cognition and environment may have produced an eighteenth-century Flynn effect during the Industrial Revolution.Max van der Linden & Denny Borsboom - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Cognition played a pivotal role in the acceleration of technological innovation during the Industrial Revolution. Growing affluence may have provided favourable environmental conditions for a boost in cognition, enabling individuals to tackle more complex problems. Dynamical systems thinking may provide useful tools to describe sudden transitions like the Industrial Revolution, by modelling the recursive feedback between psychology and environment.
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    What Does Syndicalism Want? Living, Not Dead Unions.Nathan Jun & Max Baginski (eds.) - 2015 - London: Kate Sharpley Library. Translated by Yvonne Franke & Friederike Wiedemann.
    What does syndicalism want? was first published in 1909, when the syndicalist revolt was growing worldwide. Baginski is clear in his call for working class rebellion: the task is not to fight simply for better conditions but ‘to break the chains of wage labor and at the same time the shackles of servitude to the state.’ At the same time, Baginski is no joyless martyr to ‘the cause’: personal freedom joins collective struggle at the core of his anarchism. Max Baginski (...)
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  17. Vulnerability in Social Epistemic Networks.Emily Sullivan, Max Sondag, Ignaz Rutter, Wouter Meulemans, Scott Cunningham, Bettina Speckmann & Mark Alfano - 2020 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 28 (5):1-23.
    Social epistemologists should be well-equipped to explain and evaluate the growing vulnerabilities associated with filter bubbles, echo chambers, and group polarization in social media. However, almost all social epistemology has been built for social contexts that involve merely a speaker-hearer dyad. Filter bubbles, echo chambers, and group polarization all presuppose much larger and more complex network structures. In this paper, we lay the groundwork for a properly social epistemology that gives the role and structure of networks their due. In particular, (...)
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  18.  95
    The General Data Protection Regulation in the Age of Surveillance Capitalism.Jane Andrew & Max Baker - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (3):565-578.
    Clicks, comments, transactions, and physical movements are being increasingly recorded and analyzed by Big Data processors who use this information to trace the sentiment and activities of markets and voters. While the benefits of Big Data have received considerable attention, it is the potential social costs of practices associated with Big Data that are of interest to us in this paper. Prior research has investigated the impact of Big Data on individual privacy rights, however, there is also growing recognition of (...)
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  19.  45
    Hume and Smith studies after Forbes and Trevor-Roper. [REVIEW]Max Skjönsberg - 2018 - European Journal of Political Theory 19 (4):623-635.
    The ‘Scottish Enlightenment’ has fostered a steadily growing academic industry since Duncan Forbes and Hugh Trevor-Roper put the subject on the map in the 1960s. David Hume and Adam Smith have from the start been widely considered as its leading thinkers, and their thoughts on politics have attracted an increasing amount of attention in recent years. Two new publications invite readers to reflect on the state of the art in Scottish Enlightenment studies in general, and especially Hume and Smith scholarship. (...)
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    Toward a Sexual Difference Theory of Creolization.Max Hantel - 2014 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 22 (1):1-18.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is the opening paragraph from the essay: Throughout his work, Édouard Glissant rigorously describes the process of creolization in the Caribbean and beyond. His later work in particular considers creolization through the planetary terms of Relation, “exploded like a network inscribed within the sufficient totality of the world.” As his philosophical importance rightfully grows, many note the dual risk of overgeneralization and abstraction haunting continued expansion of his geographical and theoretical domain. In light of (...)
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  21.  18
    Why do cancer cells metastasize into particular organs?Dario Rusciano & Max M. Burger - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (3):185-194.
    Metastatic spread of tumor cells is one of the most common causes of death in cancer patients. Therefore, elucidation of the molecular mechanisms that underlie the formation of metastatic colonies has been one of the major objectives of cancer research during the last two decades. In this review we will mainly discuss the mechanisms that cause a malignant cell to grow at a given site rather than at other possible sites, taking into account experimental and clinical evidence published on (...)
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  22.  12
    Voting for Your Pocketbook, but against Your Pocketbook? A Study of Brexit at the Local Level.Javier José Olivas Osuna, Max Kiefel & Kira Gartzou-Katsouyanni - 2022 - Politics and Society 50 (1):3-43.
    In explaining the outcome of the 2016 EU referendum in the United Kingdom, can theories emphasizing the importance of economic factors be reconciled with the fact that many people appeared to vote against their economic self-interest? This article approaches this puzzle through case study research that draws on fieldwork and a process of reciprocal knowledge exchange with local communities in five local authorities in England and Wales. It argues that the Leave vote can be attributed partly to political discontent associated (...)
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  23.  25
    “Broken Covenant”: Healthcare Aides’ “Experience of the Ethical” in Caring for Dying Seniors in a Personal Care Home.Susan McClement, Michelle Lobchuk, Harvey Max Chochinov & Ruth Dean - 2010 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 21 (3):201-211.
    Canada’s population is aging, and seniors constitute the fastest growing demographic in the nation. The chronic health conditions, limited social support, functional decline, and cognitive impairment experienced by seniors may necessitate admission to a personal care home (PCH) setting up until the time of their death. The ethical problems that arise in the care of dying patients are numerous and complicated. The care of dying seniors in PCHs, however, is largely provided by frontline workers such as healthcare aides (HCAs), who (...)
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    Max Scheler’s Idea of History: A Juxtaposition of Phenomenology and Idealism.Zachary Davis - 2021 - In Cynthia D. Coe, The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism and Phenomenology. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 385-403.
    The purpose of this essay is to provide an account of Max Scheler’s notion of history and the growing influence that idealism had on its development. For much of this development, Scheler had sought to chart a middle course between Hegel and Marx, or as he expresses it in his later works, a course between idealism and realism. As my argument demonstrates, idealism comes to have an increasing impact on Scheler’s notion of history when he begins in his later work (...)
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    Concept of ressentiment by Max Scheler and its contemporary relevance.Vakhtang Kebuladze - 2024 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 2:105-116.
    The article deals with Max Scheler's philosophical concept of ressentiment. In “Ressentiment in the Structure of Morals”, he uses Friedrich Nietzsche's concept of "ressentiment" to describe an important negative phenomenon in modern moral and culture in general. The article shows that Max Scheler's descriptive method organically grows out of the phenomenological philosophy of Edmund Husserl and at the same time imitates some specific features of Wilhelm Diltai's descriptive and analytical psychology. On the basis of this methodological approach, Max Scheler does (...)
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    Max Weber's political sociology: a pessimistic vision of a rationalized world.Ronald Glassman & Vatro Murvar (eds.) - 1984 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    This collection of essays focuses on Weber's political ideology as well as his political sociology. This interdisciplinary work draws upon the expertise of a number of writers and challenges major schools of thought on Weber. In the first section on ideology, scholars question whether Weber's political predictions were based on a realistic appraisal of social development or if his objectivity was compromised by events in Weimar Germany. They then address Weber's attitudes toward socialism in light of contemporary sociology and his (...)
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  27. Aproximación a la antropología fenomenológica en Max Scheler.Juan Sebastián Ballén Rodríguez - 2010 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 17:87-105.
    Being located in the horizon of the philosophical outrage, our article purpose is to show the phenomenological basis of Max Scheler’s anthropological proposal, whose immediate antecedents were Husserl’s researches regarding to the correlation man-world, the debate held between phenomenology and the incursion of psychology within the field of the objectives sciences, the develop of a growing up discipline such as physiology, and in general the gradual consolidation of evolutionary theories, which were taking from the philosophical anthropology his conceit of prevailing (...)
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    Joachim Wachs Bild vom George-Kreis und seine Revision von Max Webers Soziologie religiöser Gemeinschaften.Hans G. Kippenberg - 2009 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 61 (4):313-331.
    Since the publication of the In Memoriam of Stefan George in “Understanding and Believing. Essays by Jochim Wach edited by Joseph Kitagawa”, the George-circle is seen as a major source for Wach's understanding of religion. According to the author nature is not a realm of abstract laws but the place where the divine reveals itself in the physical. Yet the In Memoriam was not composed by Wach, but by Gerardus van der Leeuw in 1934 and happend, by chance, to find (...)
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    Dim and dimmer: an exploration of the production and diffusion of scientific knowledge in Australia between the 1770s and the 2010s.Lynnette Hicks - 2016 - Dissertation, Macquarie University
    Despite growing public concerns around socio-scientific problems and the significance of these problems to everyday life, there is a dearth of sociological literature addressing the production and diffusion of the natural sciences in Australia. In particular, critical analyses of scientific knowledge production and diffusion relative to the actions of the state, the market and civil society are largely absent. This thesis sets out to mitigate this situation by contributing a critical historiography of scientific knowledge production and diffusion as it relates (...)
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  30.  3
    Aristoteles als Alexanders Lehrer in der Legende.Max Brocker - 1966 - Bonn,: [S.N.].
  31. Whose Body? Feminist Views on Reproductive Technology.Max Charlesworth - 1995 - In Paul A. Komesaroff, Troubled bodies: critical perspectives on postmodernism, medical ethics, and the body. Durham: Duke University Press. pp. 125--41.
  32.  18
    Laozi oder Buddha? Polemische Strategien um die »Bekehrung der Barbaren durch Laozi« als Grundlagen des Konflikts zwischen Buddhisten und Daoisten im chinesischen Mittelalter.Max Deeg - 2003 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 11 (2):209-234.
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    (1 other version)Reflections on Humane Leadership.Max DePree - 1989 - Business Ethics 3 (3):22-23.
  34. (3 other versions)Einleitung in die Philosophie.Max Dessoir - 1937 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 123 (1):125-126.
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  35. Castellion et le de imitando christo de 1563: Une pure et pieuse castration.Max Engammare - 2012 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 74 (3):465 - 477.
  36. Comment on Professor Pompa's Paper.Max Fisch - 1976 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 43.
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    5. The Suffering Saints.Matthew J. Grow - 2008 - In "Liberty to the Downtrodden": Thomas L. Kane, Romantic Reformer. Yale University Press. pp. 71-92.
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    9. The Utah War, Act I.Matthew J. Grow - 2008 - In "Liberty to the Downtrodden": Thomas L. Kane, Romantic Reformer. Yale University Press. pp. 149-173.
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    The Birth of Landscape Painting in China.Max Loehr - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (2):257.
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  40. Il corpo in rappresentazione.Max Loreau - 2002 - Studi di Estetica 25:9-24.
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    (1 other version)John Bacon, Universals and Property Instances. The Alphabet of Being, Aristotelian Society Series, Vol. 15.Max Urchs - 1998 - Erkenntnis 49 (1):123-125.
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  42.  63
    Semantics for Two Second-Order Logical Systems: $\equiv$ RRC* and Cocchiarella's RRC.Max A. Freund - 1996 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 37 (3):483-505.
    We develop a set-theoretic semantics for Cocchiarella's second-order logical system . Such a semantics is a modification of the nonstandard sort of second-order semantics described, firstly, by Simms and later extended by Cocchiarella. We formulate a new second order logical system and prove its relative consistency. We call such a system and construct its set-theoretic semantics. Finally, we prove completeness theorems for proper normal extensions of the two systems with respect to certain notions of validity provided by the semantics.
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    (1 other version)An English equivalent of "combinations-methode".Max Meyer - 1909 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 6 (25):688.
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  44.  46
    Jabir ibn Hayyan. Contribution a l'histoire des idees scientifiques dans l'Islam. Paul Kraus.Max Meyerhof - 1944 - Isis 35 (3):213-217.
  45. Logik und Selbsterkenntnis.Max Gottschlich - 2015 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 41:3-23.
    In what sense is logic relevant for self-knowledge? This question shall be addressed by virtue of an integrative concept of logic which contains formal, transcendental, and dialectical logic as necessary forms of self-interpretation of thought (I). This will disclose a teleological horizon which grounds both man's theoretical and practical self-interpretation (II). Finally, this will be fleshed out in further detail with regard to formal logic (III). /// Welche Relevanz hat Logik für die Selbsterkenntnis? In Beantwortung dieser Frage wird ein integrativer (...)
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    A Public Opinion and Thomistic Principle.Max Guzikowski - 1945 - New Scholasticism 19 (2):136-160.
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    The paradox of human goodness.Max Hamburgh - 1980 - Zygon 15 (2):223-234.
  48.  9
    Literatur zum Werk Ludwig Binswangers.Max Herzog - 1994 - In Weltentwürfe: Ludwig Binswangers Phänomenologische Psychologie. De Gruyter. pp. 278-295.
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    10. Weltkonstituierendes Dasein.Max Herzog - 1994 - In Weltentwürfe: Ludwig Binswangers Phänomenologische Psychologie. De Gruyter. pp. 99-106.
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    Die Zuckererzeugung, 1600-1850. Jakob Baxa.Max Speter - 1938 - Isis 29 (1):184-185.
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